Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent There will be Holy Communion with Impositions of Ashes at 7pm in the church.
On February 2nd the Church celebrates the The Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple. Join us at 11am for a Choral Eucharist
Choral Eucharist will be at 10am on Christmas Day **Please note the earlier time ** Everyone welcome to St Mary’s.
On Advent Sunday we were delighted to host a joint Advent Carol Service with out neighbouring parish St Nicholas and St John. It was attended by the Gild of Freemen of the City of Lincoln. Our choirs sang together most beautifully. Lessons were read by people from both parishes and […]
Sunday 1st December is Advent Sunday We have 2 services on Advent Sunday – 11am Choral Eucharist and 6pm Advent Carol Service Everyone welcome at one or both services
We are delighted that over the next few weeks conservation work will be being carried out to the stencilling around our organ casing and vestry door. The work is being done by Lincoln Conservation, based at the University of Lincoln. We are very grateful for the donation received from the […]
Copies of our cookbook are available in church and at Lindum Books, Bailgate. If you would like to request a copy to be reserved and collected from church, or to be posted to you please contact us You can make your donation here. Suggested donation £5. Please add postage if […]
The concert that was scheduled for Wednesday 15 May 2024 had to be postponed. A new date, later in the year, is being planned for this event. Please refer to this section of the website or the concert section for any updates. Thank you for your understanding.
Ascension Day falls on Thursday May 9th this year. That evening at at 7pm we will gather at the site of the ancient Romano-British church known as St Paul in the Bail for an outdoor celebration of the Eucharist. Everyone is welcome to join us. Please dress for the weather […]
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent There will be Holy Communion with Impositions of Ashes at 7pm in the church.