Advent, the Church’s season of preparation for celebrating the Birth of Jesus at Christmas and for reflecting on his promised second coming, begins this year on December 3rd. In addition to our Advent Wreath Festival we will have the following Services and other Special events.
The Parish Eucharist at 11am Sundays 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th December will be a choral eucharist with organ and choir.
Evening services at 6pm: December 3rd Advent Carol Service; December 10th Evensong; December 17th Nine Lessons and Carols
Tuesday 12 December 7pm Stations of the Nativity: a reflective service for adults
Thursday 21st at 7.30pm Crying Christmas: The City of Lincoln Waites
Friday 22nd at 7.30pm Lincoln Mystery Nativity
Saturday 23rd at 12noon Lincoln Mystery Nativity
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