Worship resources – looking ahead to Sunday, 24th May 2020

This Sunday, as we share in Thy Kingdom Come 2020, we will be offering services via Zoom and on our Facebook page.

We will gather on Zoom from 9.30am for a service that will run for around 30 minutes. All are welcome to join us for this time of worship, which will include prayers, readings and a short reflection. Please do contact us for the log-in information and a copy of this week’s order of service.

Later on Sunday morning, at 11am, we will be livestreaming a further service on our Facebook page. We will be using the Prayer During the Day (Contemporary) order of service, which may be found here. This service usually lasts for around 20 minutes.

To accompany both services, we now produce a weekly noticesheet, and this may be downloaded by clicking on the following link or downloading the PDF file.

As we highlight in the noticesheet, we were pleased to share in the Lincoln Civic Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday (20th May). This event saw contributions from people representing areas such as policing, healthcare, education and retail, and you can now see a recording of this important event here.

Finally, we are aware that not everyone has internet access, and so perhaps you could help us in sharing the number for the free Church of England Daily Hope telephone line? A poster for this is shown below.