Re-opening the church building – an update (updated on 16.07.20)

As we indicated in last week’s noticesheet (12th July 2020), we will re-open our church building for opportunities for private prayer for a short time on Thursday, 16th July 2020 (10.30-11.30am).

In addition, and at the time of writing, we will re-open our church building for worship services on Sunday, 19th July 2020. This date is of significance because we had originally planned to celebrate our patronal festival on this date, with a service beginning and ending in our church and incorporating Choral Evensong in Lincoln Cathedral.

We have known for some time that this would not be possible this year, and so we will hold two said services of Holy Communion (each will probably run for around 45 minutes) at 9.30am and 11am. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to please contact us as soon as possible so as to help us with our planning.

A helpful guide to attending church (applicable to times of private prayer and incorporating detail on what to expect at a service) has been prepared, and we ask that you would please read it before entering the building. The guide may be downloaded by clicking on the following link:

The order of service for Sunday is also available here in downloadable form. It would be particularly helpful if those attending a service could please download, print and bring the order of service with them.

Please be assured that we will be seeking to maintain our provision of online worship, albeit at different times on a Sunday so as to allow for the services in the church building.

On Sunday, 19th July 2020 we will be offering a service on Zoom at 3pm, and then Compline on Facebook at 7pm (these times aren’t set in stone for the coming weeks, as we will work out a pattern that suits as many people as possible).

In addition, Evening Prayer continues to be streamed on our Facebook page on weekdays at 5.15pm.

The noticesheet that has been prepared for this week may be viewed by clicking on the link below:

We hope that all of the above is helpful to you, and we continue to pray for our parish and send all our best wishes.

This article was updated on 16th July 2020.