In late November 2019, Adrian Smith (Vicar), Julia Hepburn (Curate) and Geraldine Ham (Deputy Churchwarden) took up a kind invitation from Bishop Johnson Gakumba to visit his diocese.
As has already been documented, St Mary’s has a long-standing link with the diocese and the bishop, and this invitation offered the three guests an opportunity to see something of life in the diocese and to share in times of worship and celebration.
One such occasion was the great celebration at Musalaba on the 26th of November. This date is of great significance, as it marks the arrival of missionaries at this location in 1904. On this occasion, Bishop Johnson confirmed 160 people, there were three marriages, and the Vicar was invited to offer the sermon.
The text of the sermon may be downloaded below.
In the meantime, we continue to pray for the bishop and the people of the diocese on a regular basis, and we are also planning an information-sharing event in the early part of 2020. This will offer an opportunity for the group to share something of the experience offered through the visit, and for us all to consider ways in which we might further develop this link.
Please keep an eye on this website and our social media for details of a date and time for this event.
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