As part of our continued commitment to preparing and offering shared opportunities for worship and prayer, this Sunday (26th April 2020) we are pleased to offer a further opportunity to gather together.
In addition to our popular livestreamed Prayer During the Day* (offered via our Facebook page at 11am), we will also be offering an online service via Zoom at 9.30am. This will offer us an opportunity to come together in a more interactive way as a worshipping community, and an order of service accompanies this time together. To join us, please send us an email at [email protected], and we will be pleased to send the relevant log-in details and a copy of the order of service.
In addition to the above, we continue to offer Evening Prayer via our Facebook page at 5.15pm on weekdays, plus other services and resources, as advertised.
We continue to pray for all in our parish, our NHS staff and key workers, and also our valued friends from near and far. Stay safe!
*The free Prayer During the Day (Time to Pray) resource may be found on the Church House Publishing website here.

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