Thank you to all who came to see us today (Thursday, 5th December 2019) on the first day of Lincoln Christmas Market. We were delighted to welcome just over 1800 visitors into church, and to see their enjoyment and appreciation of our display of Advent wreaths and short Christmas Market services (featuring carols, a reading and prayers) during the afternoon.
In the coming days we will open at 12noon, and there will be services (of approximately 10 minutes each) at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. In addition, on Sunday there will be a Choral Eucharist at 11am (a service that will include Holy Communion and feature our church choir) and then a Taize service (featuring music and prayer) at 6pm.
In addition to the display of Advent wreaths, we have an area set aside for people to light a candle and reflect. We look forward to welcoming many more visitors throughout the Christmas Market.

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