During the summer months we are in “Ordinary Time. The Sundays are named and counted as “Sundays after Trinity”, and the liturgical colour is green. At St Mary Magdalene’s we will continue to offer 2 services each Sunday morning.
At 9am Worship for all the Church Family online via Zoom. Please email [email protected] for the login details, which vary each Sunday.
At 11am in the church we celebrate the Parish Eucharist. You are welcome to attend in person but are advised to book a place in advance. The Eucharist is live-streamed to our website, Facebook page and YouTube channels via our faithonline streaming platform. To book to attend in person or to access the live~stream visit the worship page of our website. You may need to scroll down the page.
Orders of Service for both 9am and 11am can be downloaded below.

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