Helping our friends in Uganda – update (March 2020)

As reported last year, Mrs Sara Smith introduced the charity Friends of St Michael’s Primary School Uganda at a coffee morning held in our parish.

Sara’s informative talk launched our simple sewing project to make reusable sanitary towels, with the aim being to seek to help Ugandan girls access their education each day and every month.

This morning at church (International Women’s Day; Sunday, 8th March 2020) we had an opportunity to see the results of the hard work that has been taking place in recent months.

The prepared eco sanitary products are kits that consist of 12 pads, two holders and a little storage bag, and the kits will soon be on their way to help people in Busembatia, Uganda. Thank you to all who have supported this project to date.

For more information, please contact us and also see